Helloooooo apostates!
I'm still riding high from the INCREDIBLE amount of feedback I got from my last post. Three whole comments! That's triple my previous record!
Anyway, I'm sure you're all super curious about my sexual orientation right now. We have that in common. Seriously, I still have no idea. Some moments I'm like, "forget the whole thing. I'm straight." and there are other times when I'm like, "oh my heck I am such a lesbian." And most of the time it's somewhere in between. Really all I've figured out since my last post is that I'm not going to worry about labels or "coming out" until I'm 100% sure. So, at this rate, never.
Also, did y'all know that it's General Conference weekend?! Cuz I didn't until this morning when I noticed my family was wearing surprisingly casual Sunday dress. Do you know what this means? I've hit a major ExMormon Milestone: I was oblivious to Conference! Even though I was an apostate last October, I was at BYU so I was forced to hear alllll about it. I even watched part of it because of my fucking roommate. This year, however, I didn't so much as listen to a MOMENT of an old white guy speaking in that unmistakable tone of voice (nor did I hear President Uchdorf make an analogy about planes, nor the General Primary President making me consider suicide). I did, however, watch The Best Two Years on the BYU channel between sessions. Kirby Heyborne is underapprectiated by the secular world.